After reading this page, feel free to click HERE to visit my personal web site and thank you for your interest in me! |
Hello and welcome! It appears as though you have chosen to get to know me, this web site's designer, a little better. Great! Let me first start off with my name - David Bronson - as if the banner at the top of the page didn't give that away! Next you may wonder what I do for a living and why I designed this site. Well, what I use to do ( I recently accepted a job at EDS where I will put my computing skills to work) is Ophthalmic Photography, ie Fluorescein Angiography, ICG Angiography, Fundus Photography, External Ocular Photography and Ultrasound (A-Scans). All of that terminology may seem a bit foreign to most people - unless you work in Ophthalmology or are perhaps a patient who has recieved one or more of these tests. Even if you are a patient and have heard of these terms, you may have questions about them as well as anything else (like diseases, treatments and such) related to the "retina portion" of Ophthalmology. That's why I created this site - to help those who seek quick, easy to understand web sites without the hassle of exhaustive searches. I hope this site is of use to you or someone you know and I want to thank you for stopping by and getting to know me a little better. If you would like to comment on the site please feel free to Sign My Guestbook or email me: .
This link doesn't have anything to do with the eyes, but since this page is about me I want to include a link to a good friend of mine - Jeff Tinling. His site is about his Raleigh, NC band called Mamasutra. Their music is exceptionally good and very mello. Listeners of all ages will enjoy this music. Good luck to Jeff and the guys of Mamasutra and keep up the great work!!! |
Remember...This page is about me. You wanted to learn a little more about me, otherwise you wouldn't be here, on this page, reading about ME! So I can't let you go without a chance to view the following banner!Take a look....what can it hurt? |
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